
Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Exactly how are we to survive when we have kids? LOL

Will get pictures of Christmas up soon....

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cookie Madness Begins...

Have been spending the evening looking up cookie recipes. Going with some standards and a few new ones.  Thinknig about chocolate peppermint cookies.

But i am STUMPED on candy. Can't seem to find a fairly easy non-chocolate candy recipe. Any suggestions?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pre-Christmas Cookies...

I had not been to the grocery store since before Thanksgiving... Jeff and I were living on tidbits, rummages and the things my parents left behind... It was crazy. We went to the store today and are all filled up. Hopefully we can last until Christmas... but of course I realized tonight I am almost out of sugar! I stocked up on everything else. Oh well.

I NEVER buy cookie mix but... ;) I got it for pennies. However, I couldn't just make a cookie, I needed to dress it up a bit. I found this recipe: Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Bars except I only had one block of cream cheese. Until today! So I decided to make it to hold us off until the Christmas baking begins!

All ready to go into the oven!

The comments on the Web site say you should use 2 bags of cookie mix, so there's more on top. That is a very good idea!

I added mini chocolate chips to make up for the lack of topping ;)

MMMMM delicious!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Favorite Christmas Ornaments (Blog hop)

I have seen this on other blogs and thought i would give this a try on here!

The Blog Hop theme for this Monday is "CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS". Show us a pic and/or tell a story behind your favorite Christmas ornament. Your photos and stories will help others with ideas for ornaments in the future.

It was really hard to choose one or two! I always get a new one every year nad since meeting Jeff have gottn WAY into the Hallmark ornaments! They are all so cute!

My grandparents got me and my brother these ornaments and a couple more when we were young. It is so simple but one that always reminds me of Christmas growing up.

This was the first ornament Jeff gave me. <3 It is really cute - this is a bad pic!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hi there!

Long time no post! I got caught up in preparing for my parents Thanksgiving visit. They were here a week, and it was FABULOUS!!! Always great to see them. We had turkey day at J's parent's house. There were 18 people. So much fun!

A few days later, J and I went on a quick trip to Walt Disney World! We met up with a few of our friends and rushed around looking at all of the Christmas stuff. Osbourne Spectacle of Lights is purely amazing. Jaw dropping! The castle lighting was spectacular as well!

All in all a great weekend - and now  am back home with a cold! I will get into the swing of things soon!