
Thursday, April 29, 2010


***The giveaway is over. Thank you soooooo much for entering!!! :D The winner will be May 4th!*****

You’ve arrived at exactly the right time to explore lots of new blogs, all of which, ARE GIVING AWAY A VERY SPECIAL BLOGMANIA GIVEAWAY  (For One Day Only – April 30th) .
We’ve done all the work for you. No hunting or surfing. Each blog will have a number and each new blog link will have a number. These numbers will allow you to keep track of which blogs you’ve visited and how many are left to visit. Why not take a moment to make a list of blog numbers  1-123 and check off the blogs as you go.
I know you’ll want to visit as many blogs today as you can. So, if you see something that interests you on any of our participating blogs, why not bookmark that site. Later, when you have more time, you can discover all its fabulous treasures.  
I AM BLOG #99 of 123!
WIN a $15 Starbucks gift card OR a $25 e-gift card! One person will win one and another person the other one!

Entering is easy! *make sure you leave your e-mail address with each entry!*

Follow me on Google Friend Connect (see left sidebar)and leave a comment saying so. If you already follow, just leave a comment! 

Bonus Entry:
If you'd like another entry (must do the mandatory entry first), follow me on Twitter and leave your Twitter name.
That's it!

Giveaway closes at 12 a.m. EST Saturday May 1. Open to U.S. and Canada only. Winners will be notified by e-mail and will have 48 hours to reply before another person is chosen. Good luck!!

When you are done entering, please click on the following links and keep entering to win GREAT prizes!!!

(Blog- 1 – HOST OF BLOGMANIA) Between The Pages -
(Blog -2 – CO-HOST OF BLOGMANIA) The Black Sheep Dances -
(Blog-43 - CO-HOST OF BLOGMANIA) Books, Books Everywhere -
(Blog-68) Mama Librarian -
(Blog-92) Groovy's Ruminations -
 (Blog-36) Along the Way -
(Blog-8) A Mom’s Take -
(Blog-18) Aubut Family -
(Blog-109) Mommy’s Minutes -
(Blog-118) Designs By Dawn Marie -

Bogmanai starts in just a few hours!

No time to highlight a prize (besides, you'll see them all in just a few hours!) since I am packing... that's right, the biggest blog event of the year, and I will be working,  then off to the airport then on an airplane for few hours!  LOL

This is just a reminder that my giveaway will be open to the U.S. AND Canada!!! I will be giving way one $15 Starbucks gift card (yum!) and one $25 gift card to two people - one gift card each!

Please review the Blogmania tips to get the most out of your jorney! HAVE FUN and see you here in a few hours!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blogmania is so close!!

Today's highlighted blog is  Little Yaya's!
For BLOGMANIA, she is giving away:
A medium Caden style Yaya Blanket 
(Your choice of print and option to embroider)
Juicy Couture Bib
Juicy Couture Burp Cloth
Kid's Toothbrush
Kid's Toothpaste

What fun!!! Can't wait to enter. See you all here in 2 days!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blogmania in less than 4days!

Today's sneak preview is from Just Another New Blog. Her BLOGMANIA giveaway is  a fab Girl's Fave Things package - ARV $60 - including:

  • French Women for All Seasons: A Year of Secrets, Recipes, and Pleasure by Mireille Guiliano (who wrote the famous French Women Don't Get Fat) - hardcover edition;
  • Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason DVD; 
  • $10 GC to iTunes;
  • 2 tubes of Kiss My Face Sheer Organic Shine - natural mineral color for your lips in topaz and pearl.

What a great giveaway! Remember - you can only enter on Friday, April 30th during Blogmania! click the picture in the left sidebar for more info.

Spiced: Book Review and Giveaway!


They say: For as long as she can remember Dalia Jurgensen wanted to cook. By age five she would stand on a chair at the counter next to her Danish mother, shaping frikadeller and peeling potatoes for bikser mad.  And when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she was unequivocal: she wanted to be a chef.

With a conventional college degree and a couple of years in publishing behind her, she abruptly quit her job to pursue her dream and enroll in culinary school. It was a leap of faith that changed and defined her life in ways she’d never imagined.  Now Jurgensen shares the delicious details in SPICED: A Pastry Chef’s True Stories of Trials by Fire, After-Hours Exploits, and What Really Goes on in the Kitchen (Berkley Trade Paperback; April 6, 2010;$15.00), an eye-opening look at the sweet and sour of following your passion.

Refreshingly candid and simmering with kitchen drama, SPICED traces Jurgensen’s hard-earned metamorphosis from lowly pastry cook to acclaimed executive pastry chef at a three-star New York City restaurant.  But SPICED is much more than a personal memoir.  In the entertaining tradition of Kitchen Confidential, it’s an unforgettable insider’s tour through some of Manhattan ’s finest kitchens, the first to come from a woman’s perspective.  

I say: This was a very interesting book!  I liked to learn about what it is like for a woman in the kitchen. This book chronicles Dalia's many jobs, starting as a nighttime pastry person, who preps parts of desserts. She held many jobs, not only working with pastry or on the line and grill station at restaurants, but also for a caterer and in Martha Stewart's show prep kitchen. The book is well written with many details - including all hermess ups and the new recipes she creates. I really enjoyed reading what really goes on behind the scenes at restaurants.

Win it: 
 I have one copy of Spiced: A Pastry Chef’s True Stories of Trials by Fire, After-Hours Exploits, and What Really Goes on in the Kitchen by Dalia Jurgensen to give away.

Mandatory Entry:
1. Comment and tell me your favorite biography, autobiography or non-fiction book. (1 entry)

Bonus Entries:
*for items with more than one entry, leave a seperate comment for each entry*

2. Subscribe to me via Google Friend Connect ( 2 entries)

3. Subscribe to me in a Reader (1 entry)

4. Follow Me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter id in your comment (2 entries)

5. Tweet this giveaway, using the following tweet or your own that includes a link to this post and @lbandj. (2 entries)
    "Win the book Spiced: A Pastry Chef's True stores @lbandj"

6. Add my button to your sidebar. Leave link to your blog. (1 entry)

7. FOR 5 EXTRA ENTRIES - Blog about this giveaway, with a link to my blog and come back and leave the link to your blog post.

LEAVE YOUR EMAIL IN YOUR COMMENT SO I CAN REACH YOU IF YOU WIN!  Giveaway will end on Thursday, 5/13. Open to U.S. and Canada.
Good luck! :)

I was given this book to review and an additional copy to give away thanks to business2blogger. All thoughts are of my own opinion

Monday, April 26, 2010

Blogmania is Friday!

You guys, IT IS ALMOST BLOGMANIA TIME!!! I am so so excited.

I have decided to give away a Starbucks gift card and an Amazon gift card - one each to two winners. How does that sound?

Also, here is a sneak preview of one other prize you can win. I am going to try to post one preview each day! crush. blog is giveaway a TON of stuff from etsy! Click on the link to view all of the goodies! Go, look, there is some really nice and really nice stuff she is giving way! (and an opportunity to  get extra entries beforehand)

Come back tomorrow for another sneak preview! :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cold Stone Creamery Ice Cream Cupcakes review!

You might remember that my birthday was a few weeks ago. Usually I request an ice cream cake, but this year I decided to try the ice cream cupcakes from Cold Stone Creamery.

As you can see, the look good! And they were pretty good. The front one is red velvet cake with cake batter ice cream, the left one is yellow cake with sweet cream ice cream, and the right is the flavor of the month: Oreo.

The top frosting was delicious. It was light and airy. The ice cream was very good, except the sweet cream seemed lacking. The bottom layer of cake, however, is VERY thin. For someone like me who prefers her cake ice cream-less, it is isn't a big deal, but you might think otherwise! The chocolate shell was very tasty but hard to eat with the ice cream, since it broke into big chunks.

Overall, these were good for a special treat, but at around $20 for a six pack, it is barely worth the price. Next year, I'll stick to a Carvel cake. Mmmm, chocolate crunchies!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Blogmania Checklist!

Blogmania is only ONE WEEK AWAY!!!! I am so excited.

Please go here to let me know what store you'd like to win a gift card to! (excuse that bad English lol)

Between the Lines posted a checklist to help you get the most out of your Blogmania day!
Here it is:

It’s not time to go yet, but if you want to have the most fun and scoop up as much loot as possible, here are a few Early Bird Reminders to help you do just that.

1.     1.   Be at any of the blogs participating in the Blogmania Event as early as possible on April 30th.   The easiest way to find a Blogmania Blog is to look for the Blogmania Badge.

2.      2. This is an international event, so understand that there will be some differences in time zones.  My advice is to start early and stay late to catch all the blogs.

3.      3.  Each blog will have their own giveaway requirements. Read them carefully, follow through, and then move on as quickly as possible. If you run across a blog that you really like and want to spend some time exploring, copy their URL and then visit them after Blogmania is over.

4.      4.  We will have a 100+ blogs for you to visit. Each one will post their number like this. ( This is blog 47 of 100) This is to help you keep track of which blogs you’ve visited, and which ones you still need to reach. I’d suggest that you prepare a blog sheet which is numbered from 1 – 120, then mark off each numbered blog as you visit them.

5.      5.   All blog links provided will also have a number like (Blog 89 of 100). Look for the blogs that you haven’t yet visited and follow those links until you’ve checked off all the blogs on your sheet.

6.      6.  We have all types of blogs participating in Blogmania, which means that the range of items in their giveaways are diverse. I have previewed many and they are awesome.

7.      7.  Why not contact a friend and partner up. Compare notes, share loot, or organize your own friendly neighborhood Blogmania Competition.

This is our first Blogmania Event, but it isn’t our last. Blogmania is a bi-yearly Giveaway Extravaganza. In fact, our next Blogmania Event will start September 15th,  and do we have some cool stuff planned for you! So keep in touch with our Blogmania Blogs, because they will be giving sneak previews, secret codes, and who knows what else in the weeks and months ahead.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

BLOGMANIA is coming!!

You might have already haeard about this but if not... hold onto your hats!!
Hosted by Between the Pages Blogmania is a multi-blog event with HUNDERDS of products being given away, all on one day: April 30th.
The best part is that each giveaway will be SIMPLE to enter, so you can get to as many blogs as you can that day.

I am blog 99 of 100 and want my readers to be involved. Now, some blogs are giving away great and numerous prizes, however, I don't have to resources or money yet to do that. So, my giveaway will be simple: GIFT CARDS.

I'm thinking 2 gifts cards, maybe $15 to $25 each? I need to know... WHAT STORES OR RESTAURANTS would you like a gift card to? or would your prefer a generic Visa/Am Ex gift card to be used anywhere?

Please LMK! I want to have a contest that YOU want to enter!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sweet Easter Deal!

Jeff and I ran a few errands today, including Bed Bath and Beyond to FINALLY get him a tie rack. The round one he was using just wasn't working. We also bought a pirate welcome mat too! Arrrgh.

Anyway, whenever we are out, we HAVE to stop at Toys R Us. Good idea today - their Easter items are now 90% off! I scared two Pass color cups for .20 a package! I am sooo happy. I am so glad hat I waited to but them!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Follow!!

Here;s my first Friday Follow... looks like a lot of fun!!

Friday Follow

If you do follow me, please reply so I can be sure to follow you back! :D

here are the rules:

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow button and include on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm back!!

Hi all! No pots for a few days because J and I went to Walt Disney World for my birthday!! :D It was a very good but very short trip. We stayed at Bay Lake Towers, the new vacation club resort. It was just gorgeous and nice.  Birthday diner was at the Wave, which was so delicious!!! I'll have picture posted later this week, and anew giveaway too!

image from Target

Here is something via Babygooodbuys: a reusable bag for FREE from Target! Free Reusable Bag from Target They are giving it away on April 18th, while supplies last. Celebrate Earth Day/Week! At that link you can also enter to win a 2010 Ford Fusion hybrid! Awesome!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Free hat at the Disney Store on 4/22!

If any of you have a Disney Store still open near you, you can get afree baseball cap on Earth Day, Thursday April 22nd.(while supplies last!) All you need to do is bring in 6 empty water bottles or soda cans.

For more information and a picture of the hat, go to and click on Upcoming Events. What a great way to help the environment!

I also want to take a moment to say Congratulations to a "young lady" I used to babysit for (!!!!) who just got accepted into the WDW college program for this summer/fall!! I am sohappy and proud!! And now J and I have to plan a trip to see her :D Goodexcuse, right? lol

Monday, April 5, 2010

Stop & Shop gc and Yoplait Greek Yogurt Giveaway WINNER!!!

First, I want to thank you all for entering! The responsewasmore than I wasexpecting, nad it is awesome! I think I am folllowing you all on twitter nad Google, if you left your info. If not, please LMK.

Onto the winner...

The winner is.... DOREEN - purposedrivenlife4you - CONFIRMED!
I'll be e-mailing you in a few minutes,and you'll have 48 hours to reply with your contact information or someone new will be chosen.

Thanks again to all who entered, and stay tuned for my next giveaway that begins next week.

Awesome Clearance at Sears!!

I am looking for a camera... I swear i have been everywhere in a 10 mile radius that sells cameras lol. Today was my last stop - Sears.

And what a good idea! First, all of their shoes are on sale. I bought a pair that were on sale for $24.99 from $29.99 - and they rang up $19.99! The boots are half price and they have some cute Ugg knockoffs for $1.99!! They also have tons of 50% off clothes on clearance too.

When I was on line, the lady in front of me was buying scarves and winter hats for .99 each! I had to get in that deal! they had TONS of hats, gloves and scarves for .99 cents. They were all women or unisex with some very cute styles.

Go to Sears! There are some great deals!!  :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lemon Coolers Recipe

Our stove was busy today!! First I made Lemon Coolers, then Jeff made almond cookies (if you want the recipe LMK). Then I made baked chicken for dinner later on in the day. Phew.

So, I decided that my Easter cookies would be lemony - a great taste for spring. I searched through allrecipies and ended up adapting a few recipes to make my own version of Lemon Coolers.They are so simple to make!

(The confectioners' sugar is missing!)


  • 1 (18.25 ounce) package lemon cake mix
  • 1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
  • 1 egg
  • 1 T almond extract (I used a little vanilla also to use it up. You could also use lemon)
  • 2 cups confectioners' sugar

1. Preheat oven the 350 degrees F
2. Mix together cake mix, whipped topping, extract and egg until well mixed. Batter will be really sticky!!
3. Drop by teaspoonfuls into powdered sugar and turn to coat. Smoosh into balls and place on ungreased cookie sheet. (Note... make them bigger than the ones in this picture! The bigger ones are better.)

4. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Try to take them out before they brown. Makes 36 or more cookies.

And note... powdered sugar will get EVERYWHERE.... but that is part of the fun!! :D

Happy Easter again... and Happy Spring!!

Dyeing Easter Eggs!

Happy Easter!!!

Last night Jeff and I dyed eggs! Neither of us had done it in a loooooong time, but we gthought it would be fun! And it was.

We bought both the regular Paas dye kit and an off brand that had a white crayon, extra dye and sponges and other fun stuff. Guess which one worked better? lol

See the middle white tray? The greenish egg is one I used the speckle sponge on... didn't turn out so great lol But it is unique, right????

All of the eggs ended up looking unique. That is one thing I love - they are always random colors from the dyes.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stop and Shop/Yoplait giveaway CLOSED!!!

Thank you all for entering!!! I will be adding back asap. Winner will be announced soon!

My next giveaway will be starting soon (It's a book!)