
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Organizing the Pantry

No real menu plan this week... tonight J is making some chicken dish and later this week he's making spaghetti fritattas. Should be interesting. It's always nice when he has a work break, because he gets a lot done around here and cooks. :D He's very good about getting stuff done, esp. chores and cleaning the house... Me, not so much!! I need to be motivated and do better when someone else is doing it too.

So I try to get some cleaning and picking up done while he is out mowing the lawn. It's a very good motivator - he's out there working and sweating and I'm here sitting like a blob lol Ok, guilt. So on Sunday while he was out mowing the lawn, I finally tackled my pantry. As you can see below, it is tiny. And all of my spices were on several shelves, just buried and a mess. It was so hard to find them, and items would topple out as I was rummaging around. I have been looking for a spice rack for awhile but hadn't found anything that would work.


So as an easy solution,  I bought a plastic box on clearance at Target to put my spices in, so I could quickly find them when I needed them. I was so worried about the sides being high enough that I didn't think about the length... yup it was too long and didn't fit LOL Luckily, we had a smaller box in the give away pile that worked!

Now, all of my frequently used spices are in one place, so I can just pull the box out and have them all there. And my baking stuff - sprinkles, extracts and baking cups, etc - are all together in one spot up top. I also took all of the free samples and single use packages and envelopes that were all over and put them in the plastic jar in the bottom. So much nicer and neater and easier to see what is in stock!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Thank You Mom Reunion Contest

  You might not know, but my parents live in Colorado,and I live in NY many many miles away. I miss them both terribly. I only see them once or twice a year, so every meeting is like a mini-reunion! When I got married, of course they had to be there - especially my mom! Even though J and I had already had our official (short but sweet) marriage ceremony, the wedding was still a BIG deal, and I hadn't seen my parents in the 6 months since the first ceremony. So this reunion with my mom was extra special - and I can still remember the look of joy and pride and love on her face when I walked don the aisle. <3

I am very happy to help promote the "Thank You Mom Reunions" contest a nationwide contest to reunite Moms and their children for milestone family moments like graduations and birthdays they otherwise might have missed. Sponsored by P&G, “Thank You Mom Reunions” will bring together 105 moms with their children, who are unable to do so on their own.  (15 per month for a 10 month campaign.) Since Mother's Day, participants have been submitting their stories online to be considered for a reunion with their mom or mother figure for the June contest.  Thirty finalists have been selected and consumers will choose the 15 winners.Winners will receive a $1000 travel voucher and portable digital video camera to capture their reunion and are encouraged to share the video on

How can you help? Find out more information on the Thank You Mom Reunion Contest Home Page, then vote for your favorite story at the Thank You Mom Reunion Voting Page:  

Voting for this period ends Wednesday, June 30th, so go vote today! And if you have a special story about your mom or mother figure, enter the next voting period in July - you could win $1,000 towards a reunion with her!

This post is part of a campaign from the One2One Network and is eligible for a gift card via random drawing by One2One Network.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Going Insane

This week has been INSANE!!! My work schedule is all messed up, we've gone away and done some shopping, Jeff's been having a crazy time at work (and I broke down at work yesterday!) and tomorrow there's a luncheon and presentation at work THEN a big meeting. So I am way behind on e-mails and posts and kinda going crazy. This weekend I hope to catch up!!!

This week will all be worth it because tomorrow evening - a friend is in town, so tomorrow night we're going to see a show (Promises, Promises - Kristen Chenowith AND Sean Hayes!!) and going out to dinner w/him.I THINK we are going to Juniors - and YES the cheesecake is as good as they say! THEN Sunday we're hopefully getting together with him again to go to the Central Park Zoo and Shake Shack,which we've never been to. Weight Watchers? What Weight Watchers? LOL ugh.

Bad week, then we went to J's dept.'s work picnic. We actually did a good job food-wise, but it was so, so hard to be around all those cute babies and little kids, not to mention the2 pregnant people there. And here I am, cramping, and definitely not pregnant. Bleh. Someday, right? :)

Ok, to stop this text and end on a higher note, here's a pic of the pricklepants J bought at the Disney Store. They were all out of peas in the pod :( so I got a Buttercup! So cute!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cupcakes for Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to any dads who might be reading this! Extra special wishes go out to my dad - love you and miss you like crazy!! Hope you have a wonderful day.

Today will be spent w/J's family as usual.I have a good WW plan of attack - appetizers will be limited to veggies, 2 swipes of dip and 3 pieces of cheese. (Depending on what they have of course!) Dinner will be on the grill, usually chicken, so that's ok. Will have to control the sides. It'll probably be potato salad and other stuff like that that I don't like. Dessert, well, that is my weakness LOL!! I will just have what i LIKE and only one serving.

And speaking of dessert... look at what J and I are bringing!
Dark Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting from Brown Eyed Baker.
Forgot to take a pic of the batter, etc, but here is some carnage:

Here is my finished product:

You can see where I did my very first piping :D BUT I decided it would take too long and wasn't sure if there'd be enough frosting, so I just did regular frosting on the rest.

It REALLY started because Jeff wanted to make Mr. Pricklepants ones. Mr. Pricklepants is a new character from Toy Story 3 - and yes YOU MUST SEE THIS MOVIE! It is funny and sweet and sad and nail biting amazing. The idea is from
I think he did a really good decorating job!! :D

Such great attention to detail.. yup, he is the artist of the family!

We are off to see hisfamily!  Hope you all are having a wonderful day!  <3

Thursday, June 17, 2010

So excited for tonight!!!

Toy Story 3 opens TONIGHT at midnight! Am I the only freak (said in a loving way!) who has tickets for the midnight show (3-D IMAX)? J is wearing his Little green Men shirt (his favorite old characters!), bUt I am just wearing a subtle Mickey shirt.

I am soooooo excited for this movie! I have been trying hard to stay spoiler free, but it is pretty obvious who the villain is and what is going to happen. But from what I have heard from the LUCKY few people I know, the movie is excellent - and will make you laugh AND cry! Gah.

Without having seen the movie, I DO have a new favorite character - peas in a pod! See below for their ultimate in cuteness. Jeff like Mr. Pricklepants, who is a hedgehog in liderhosen LOL He is even decorating cupcakes for Father's Day to look like Pricklepants. I will definately post about that!

4.5 hours to go. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BLOGMANIA sponsor review: EasyLunchboxes Eco Friendly Lunchbox System

Today's Radical Review Wednesday is a review of the EasyLunchbox system.

They Say:
 Pack lunches fast with our single-lid, 3-compartment plastic food containers. Save time and money packing work or school lunches. This is the best lunchbox system to turn your kids lunch ideas into school lunches they can’t resist, or make your own healthy meal ideas a snap to pack for work! My EasyLunchbox System pairs food-safe reusable lunch containers with roomy cooler bags. It's the green, sack lunch alternative — sized just right for kids and adults. The best lunch boxes are ones that allow you to pack lunches quickly, using your own healthy lunch recipes.

I Say:
This lunchbox system is great! Since my schedule a work got changed, I have been bring in lunch (11:30 is way too early to eat!) I had been using a reusable bag - with several plastic baggies inside! So horrible for the environment. Plus my soda can didn't fit in the bag, so I'd have to stash it in my purse - Gross.

Using the EasyLunchbox system was easy! I chose a color lid - dark red (I HAD to match my bag! :-P) and quickly added my items. I actually made my sandwich IN my lunchbox - something you can't do with bags and a little time saver. Stuck it in the insulated bag and there was PLENTY of room for my soda and my late afternoon snack.

The containers come 4 to a pack, with four different colored lids - perfect if you are making lunches for several people or if someone has a food allergy - you can easily see whose lunch it is!

Buy It:
 Order now! at 
A 4-container set is $13.95 and the cooler bags are $7.95 each.

Want to WIN IT?
EasyLunchboxes is giving away ONE set of containers and ONE cooler bag in the color of your choice during BLOGMANIA on Sept. 15th and 16th! Stop by then to enter to win! And stay tuned for more porduct reviews from my other sponsors!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Menu Plan Monday - 6/14/10

So.... last FRIDAY when I was shopping for THAT WEEK'S meals it dawned on me... maybe I should plan a week ahead, so I have the items the following week to use. So I'll be planning Tues or Wed to shop Wed, Thur or Fri for the following week :)  I know, I can be slow sometimes! LOL 

So last week was a wash, and this week's menu is very similar to last week's...since we had none of it last week lol

Monday: Chicken With Scallion Sauce from Weight Watchers (already made this for dinner.... soooooo good!)
Tuesday: see above!
Wednesday:weeknight chicken and pasta from taste of home healthy cooking mag (with mods to make it less points!)
Thursday: leftovers
Friday: Broccoli and Cheddar skinny potato skins from Gina's WW recipes
Saturday: leftovers
Sunday: Father's Day... unsure what is on the menu, but  I have a plan to deal with it.

To join MPM or for more meal ideas, visit this week's Linky at I'm an Organizing Junkie

HOORAY to plans!!!
And HOORAY to a new background! :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sweet and Salty Gift Pack WINNER!!!

The winner is.... #67 The Lucky Ladybug **CONFIRMED*!
I am e-mailing you right now! You have 48 hours to reply with your info!

Congratulations and THANK YOU to all who entered!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Three NEW Blogmania sponsors!!!

Wooo, so excting! My list of sponsors is growing!!

My latest sponsors are:
ListPlanIt - All the lists you could think of and more! I have been playing round with it this morning and am in love! A full review will be coming in a few weeks when I get chance to really use it, but as soon as this post is done i will be printing off a few lists!!

My second sponsor is Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce. This sauce is delicious!!!And a full review will be forthcoming.

And last but so definitely not least is Cowgirl Chocolates. Chocolate and spice and everything nice! lol. I won these in a blog giveaway awhile ago and gobbled them right up. (The not as spicy ones - the spicy ones I just took a tiny bite before Jeff gobbled them up!!).

I am still looking for more kitchen/baking/cooking related sponsors. Catch the Blogmania Fever and click the Contact Me link above if you'd like to be a sponsor!!

Also, mEasy Lunchboxes review will be up this weekend!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

OK this has gotta start happening again, since WW is all about planning!

Monday:  leftover 10 layer crock pot bake. YUMMMM.
Tuesday: see above!
Wednesday:weeknight chicken and pasta from taste of home healthy cooking (with mods to make it less points!)
Thursday: leftovers
Friday: Chicken With Scallion Sauce from Weight Watchers 
Saturday: leftovers
Sunday: probably more leftovers lol!! I might grab a recipe from Relish! I do have a few from this week that I have printed out!

To join MPM or for more meal ideas, visit this week's Linky at I'm an Organizing Junkie

HOORAY to plans!!!

Woo hoo!!! (andcheck out Dear Crissy's giveaway)

I lost 5.1 pounds :D So great! Worth the sacrifice lol!! And today i did the pre planned routines on Wii Fit - gave any of you done those? I did a couple of different ones and man, am I feeling it lol!! It is a good hurt... right?

To go along with this, two things happened... First, I received the Fitness Prize Pack that I won from Kiddies Corners Deals Nichol's blog was one of the first that I started reading when I git into blogs, so it was even more awesome to win this pack that she put together herself, esp. when I had just started Weight Watchers! Wanna see what I got??? Go to her post here!! I had forgotten how yummy Luna bars were and only 3 points! This is all gonna get some great use from me!

The other thing was that Dear Crissy started a Weight Watcher products giveaway!!! This is what she is giving away:
A copy of Sensibly Tasty, Deliciously Easy: 50 Anytime, Anywhere Recipes
and vouchers for:
Weight Watchers Cheese Products
Weight Watchers Frozen Novelties (ice cream!)
Weight Watchers Sweet Baked Goods
Weight Watchers Chocolate by Whitman’s Mint Patties

YUM!!!! I haven't had many of those foods but the Giant Cookies and Cream bars are my FAVORITE!!! Weight Watchers also has a Facebook page JUST for their food that is available in Supermarkets! Click here to "like" it. I am entering this giveaway as soon as I publish this post. If oyu want to enter, CLICK HERE

Hee, ok, that is all for today. Week one was a success... on to week 2 :D

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Free Goodies this Weekend!!!

Friday is National Donut Day! YUM!!!

Krispy Kreme is giving away a free donut!  Go to for a list of participating locations

Dunkin Donuts is giving away a free donut on Friday too! However, you have to buy a beverage. Go here for more info!

And my favorite... on Saturday the 5th from noon to 5 p.m. Friendlys is giving away a free scoop of ice cream in a cup or a cone!ANY flavor!!You can read the press release here.

I have to look up the nutritionals, but a scoop of watermelon sherbet is calling my name. MMMM.