
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stress Relief - got any tips?

I have a few posts I need to write, but after my morning, this has to be a priority.

My life is so stressful. Almsot every day at work I encounter some kind of stress, from a mild panic to an entire body gripping, muslce freezing. heart hurting, bust out in tears stress. Home has its moments too, worrying about the baby and money and the ever mounting e-mails and clutter I need to get through but never have the energy or desire to do. Not a day gors by, literally, that I don't feel some kind of stress.

Of course, this isn't good for me and mostly isn't good for that baby. I am so scared already that we're going have a high strung child due to all my anxiety and the hormones of whatever coursing through me. I really need to learn how to manage it while I am in it.

So I am turning to you my readers, asking for your help with anything you do to manage your stress. I read magazine articles about it and all, but their tips seem so impractical when you are in the middle of it and can't just walk away or bust of some "me" time. How do you guys handle stress?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Radical Review Wednesday: Friendship Sour Cream

One of the best things about being a BzzAgent is trying new brands and new products. My entire life, literally, I have been using one brand of sour cream. I never though any other could compare and didn't ant to try! Enter BzzAgent and the Friendship brand. While they are known for their cottage cheese, I am not a cottage cheese fan, so I decided to get the sour cream.

I was surprised to learn that it tasted as god as the competition! Even the light version was creamy and tasty, wit a hint or sour. They are also Gluten Free and Kosher! I used it in crock pot salsa chicken, as a baked potato topping and to dip in my homemade quesedillas. Delicious!!Next time I'll be making these:  sour-cream-choco-muffins YUM!!!

It's so nice to have an alternative now - better chance to buy some sour cream on sale!! If you go to the Friendship Dairies homepage, you can also print a coupon!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Free Extra Gum!

Hurry over to their facebook and sign up for a free sample of new Extra Dessert Delights gum! This gum looks very interesting!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm Back from WDW, and finally my announcement!!!

I ran out of time to post before the trip, but yes, J and I just got back from a long weekend trip to Walt Disney World. We had a great time - I will post pictures soon! Here is one - from when we got stuck on Snow White!

But... it will be our last trip for awhile... because I AM PREGNANT!!! I know, just about everyone already knows but I had to announce it here! 15w3d today... I am due April 3!

So I am *hoping* to get my groove back and start pitching to companies with maternity and newborn products! I really want to make this a good resource for pregnancy and baby product reviews and giveaways - with all my other usual stuff mixed in.

But first... I need to go nurse my cold. No fun getting sick on vacation!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Butterscotch Blondies: Recipe

For Jeff's grandpa's birthday last month, we were asked, as usual, to bring a dessert. I am always happy to do that :D We were requested to being something not "too sweet" since there was already gong to be an amazingly frosted cake. I immediately thought of cookies, but J shot down most of my suggestions due to his family's limited tastes. I finally decided on butterscotch blondies. Here's the recipe I based them on: My Recipes

Here is my recipe, changed just a little:

Yield: 24 servings (serving size: 2 squares)


  • 2  cups  all-purpose flour (about 9 ounces)
  • 2 1/2  cups  firmly packed light brown sugar
  • 2  teaspoons  baking powder
  • 1/2  teaspoon  salt
  • 8  tablespoons  unsalted butter
  • 3/4  cup  egg substitute
  • 1/2 bag chocolate chips
  • 1/2 bag butterscotch chips
  • Cooking spray


Preheat oven to 350°.
Lightly spoon flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl.
Place butter in a small skillet over medium heat. Cook for 6 minutes or until lightly browned, stirring occasionally. Pour into a small bowl, and cool for 10 minutes. Combine butter and egg substitute, stirring with a whisk. Pour butter mixture over flour mixture; stir just until moistened. Add chips and stir until mixed in. Spoon batter into a 13 x 9-inch baking pan coated with cooking spray; smooth top with spatula. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan on a wire rack. Cut into 48 squares.

I am happy to say now that I browned the butter perfectly!!
Quick, easy and a big hit!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Daring Barkers September Challenge... a few! days late!

The September 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Mandy of “What the Fruitcake?!” Mandy challenged everyone to make Decorated Sugar Cookies based on recipes from Peggy Porschen and The Joy of Baking.

I messed up my days and so the day I baked my cookies was the day the challenge was supposed to be up... oopsie? I didn't get a chance to do the  icing until today.

They were supposed to represent September, which to me means fall, so I made apples, pumpkins and leaves. I also had a new star cutter so I made a few stars.

I made the thinner ones the way I usually do... with sprinkles and jimmies and fun little things.

Here is my finished, iced cookies. Not too bad for a first time, especially since I only have 3 tips, and I have no clue what "number" they are.

I also used some edible glitter. (They look better in person!)

I tried to use the icing over method, but my icing was jsut too thin by the end. IDK why but it thinned up the more it sat.

My yellow ones...

The strs with the iridescent glitter!

Well one thing is off my bucket list! LOL I enjoyed the icing part, but I think I'd only do it again for a very special occasion!