
Monday, December 31, 2012

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 12/31/12

Well, hello there! December just got away from me! The toddler has been waking up 3 to 5 nights a week screaming like he's being tortured :( So exhaustion has reined around here with not much getting done. And the candies and cookies I made for Christmas all failed, so I didn't want to post about them! However, January is right around the  corner, and with it comes resolutions. We are setting up a play area in the basement, and I am planning on getting some blogging done while the toddler is playing. I still have reviews that are overdue :( I also want to blog more about him - he certainly cracks us up these days!

But step 1 is to get back to menu planning!!

So here is this week's menu:

 Monday: NYE appetizer fest: pizza quesedillas, pretzel bites, hot corn and cheese dip

Tuesday: corn chowder from the freezer

Wednesday: Cheesy Chicken and Stuffing

Thursday:  leftovers

Friday: Taco Pasta

Saturday is leftovers and Sunday we are celebrating DH's grandma's birthday!

Dessert of the Week: I made chocolate chip banana bread and peanut butter banana muffins today, plus we still have stuff from Christmas!! I will make something for Sunday, but I am not sure what yet.

For more information or to join the hop, go to I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 12/3/12

Wow, life really falls apart when you don't plan your menus! It has been a struggle to catch up with life since the hurricane, and to budget in all of the extra money we were not expecting to spend, along with Christmas gifts! But with the craziness of Christmas coming, I know that having a menu plan set will help keep things under control!!

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! My parents came out, then we all went up to my brother and sister-in-law's for a few days. It was such a great time, and we even went Black Friday shopping! Love it.

It is also the week of Jeff's play, so he will be home whenever he is home lol  So this week will be easy to throw together at the last minute meals and crock pot meals that can sit for awhile.

Here is this week's menu:

Monday: quick burritos (just rice, cooked chicken, cheese and sour cream heated up and rolled in tortillas)

Tuesday: Crock Pot Honey Garlic Chicken

Wednesday: leftovers

Thursday:  Slow Cooker Corn Chowder

Friday:  Pizza night!

I try not to cook on weekends, so Saturday and Sunday will be leftovers.

Dessert of the Week: a quick bread or muffins... peanut butter banana muffins possibly.

(P.S. It is almost impossible to create a blog post with an almost 20 moth old climbing all over you and getting into everything he shouldn't!)

For more information or to join the hop, go to I'm an Organizing Junkie.