
Monday, September 30, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 9/29/13

Last week we had a fail and a success! I decided against the BBQ Stove top chicken and just cooked it regularly... such a fail. Took forever, the breading burned, the house smelled like oil for the days. That never works right!

But the pizza dough! Fabulous! It was a cinch to make and tasted really good. Next time I will triple the recipe and freeze the rest. I will also add some seasoning to the crust.

Here is to a good week! Happy October! (where the high will be 83 on Wednesday!)

Monday: grocery shopping day, so something from the freezer

Tuesday: Trying a Campbell's slow cooker sauce

 Wednesday:  leftovers

Thursday:  Chicken Parmesean Casserole (WW friendly)

Friday:  leftovers

Saturday and Sunday: Breakfast for dinner!

More menus at OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How My Summer Went Up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski

How My Summer Went Up in FlamesHow My Summer Went Up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was not what I expected. I thought it would be like the typical fun, YA beach read.... Boy cheats on girl, girl (accidentally) blows up his car, get a temporary restraining order, girl gets forced to go on a road trip to help her get over boy then she (of course!) falls in love with one of the guys she is road tripping with. But it really was more than that, and Dokorski slowly lets Rosie discover who she is and who she wants to be. I loved seeing Rosie change, influenced by the boys she is with as well as the adventures they go on. I felt like all of the characters were written in a realistic way and behaved they way they do for believable reasons. Though I do think that she fell for the wrong guy lol!!

I won this book from a Goodreads giveaway.

View all my reviews

Monday, September 23, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 9/23/13

Happy fall!!!! Love it :D Our schedules are ramping up... Jeff starts drama club rehearsals, and this weekend is the consignment sale... hoping that I make more than I will end up spending lol So it is a low cooking week for me. Yay!

Monday: Stove Top BBQ Chicken served over rice (for realz this week!)

Tuesday: Taco Stroganoff

 Wednesday:  leftovers

Thursday: something from the freezer

Friday:  something from the freezer

Saturday and Sunday: Homemade Pizza (gonna try it in my new Bosch!)

Dessert of the Week: I made cookies on Saturday!

More menus at OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Quick Way to Organize Dresser Drawers for the "In Between" Season

This summer, my 2 year old's shorts were out of control! The drawer they were in was just a mess, and since he has so many patterned shorts, I was wasting time trying to match shirts with shorts.

Enter baskets from the dollar store! For $2 plus tax, I was able to easily find the shorts I wanted at a glance! I used the rest of the space in the drawer for his shortalls and matching outfits.

shorts all nice and neat - thank you dollar store!

But here comes the bonus - we are now in the "in between" season, where summer and fall collide, meaning some days it is 65 and pants weather while some days (like tomorrow!) the high is 80, and it is definite shorts weather. For the first time, all of his shorts are secure in one place, so I can easily figure out what are his pants and what are his shorts!

shorts and pants, separated by cheap baskets
Now to organize his shirt drawer... it is a million times worse! :0

Monday, September 16, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 9/16/13

Last week, the puff pastry pizza was biggest hit! SO easy to make, and it tasted delicious! We will be making that again.

Monday: leftover ziti

Tuesday: Stove Top BBQ Chicken served over rice (from last week)

 Wednesday:  Pizza Bubble Up

Thursday: leftovers

Friday:  Taco Stroganoff

Saturday and Sunday: leftovers or whatever!

Dessert of the Week: Grasshopper brownies (leftover) plus leftover birthday cake!

More menus at OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 9/9/13

Welcome to a hastily put together meal plan! Yesterday we went bowling for my sister-in-law's birthday, then we hung out at my in law's for awhile, and I was so exhausted that I just could not bring myself to meal plan! This is also our lean week, when the summer checks are done but the first fall check hasn't come in yet! So I am using up leftovers and random items from the freezer.

Monday: Impossibly Easy Chicken Taco Pie

Tuesday: leftovers

 Wednesday:  puff pastry pizza

Thursday: leftovers

Friday: Stove Top BBQ Chicken served over rice

Saturday: I am going to a wedding shower, so dinner will be whatever you can find in the fridge ;)

 Sunday: We are having Jeff's family over for his grandpa's birthday. I'm making Two Timin' Pasta but need to figure out how to make more and make it more like baked ziti lol Served with a salad and garlic bread, maybe a veggie.

Dessert of the Week: Grasshopper brownies - using my last box of Girl Scout cookies! Making for the birthday.

More menus at OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 9/2/13

Happy September!! Well... it might not officially be fall yet, but I couldn't resist using this banner :D September starts our busy months... Already we have something going on every week this month and into October! Not to mention that J. is back to work and E. starts his 2 year old class 2 days a week, so our schedule is totally changing! I love that fall is a time of change :)

This week:

Monday: leftover taquitos

Tuesday: Jen Hauler's Pizza Casserole

 Wednesday:  leftovers

Thursday: Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken

Friday: Crock Pot Ranchy Chicken

Saturday and Sunday: leftovers and pizza

Dessert of the Week: need to make something for a birthday party on Sunday... probably Double Fudge Oreo Cookies

More menus at OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday!