
Monday, April 28, 2014

Menu Plan Monday - Week of April 28, 2014

Monday:  Chicken Nuggets and Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole

Tuesday:  BBQ Chicken Bubble Up Pizza from last week

 Wednesday:  leftover bubble up pizza

Thursday: Cheesy Italian Beef Bake

Friday: leftovers

Saturday and Sunday: Saturday is the services auction, so we won't eat a big dinner. Sunday we will be going out for lunch so dinner will be snacky foods.

Dessert of the Week: so. much. Easter.  candy!

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Monday, April 21, 2014

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 4/21/14

Easter was a success!!


Well, hi there! The past few weeks of craziness have finally ended. No more birthdays, holidays, surprise parties, house guests (love), spring break.... etc! Back to boring ole life lol Hope that everyone had a good Easter!

Monday:  leftovers from my birthday dinner
Tuesday: J. has to go back to work so it will be something quick from the freezer

 Wednesday:  He will either get good news or bad news on Tuesday, so we will go out to dinner to celebrate or to commiserate!

Thursday: Crock Pot Mac and Cheese

Friday: BBQ Chicken Bubble Up Pizza

Saturday and Sunday: Saturday is up in the air. Sunday will be leftovers or maybe pizza!

Dessert of the Week: so. much. Easter.  candy!

Find more menus at Org Junkie!