
Friday, February 19, 2010

Back Into the Swing of Things...

I feel like I just posted a post like this lol We are back... the trip wasgoodand badaswould beexpected. Was so so wonderful to see my cousins again, though. So overwhelmed with so much to catch up on. Thankfully it's the weekend!

Since my meal planning week went off course last week, I decided to jump right back in it and make pizza! I used the dough recipe from My Litter of Six though I needed to use more than twice the flour. J and I made an Alfredo pizza with scallions, bacon and chicken. Delicious!!!

Mine isn't quite as round and pretty as Tiffany's is!LOL

In good news, we had our taxes done yesterday, and we are getting back a very nice chunk of money. Perfect to start doing the total money makeover with!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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