
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Baking Fail = Baking Win!

I  have never, in my life, burned cookies or had to scrape off hardened ANYTHING from a baking pan. Never.
Until Thursday night.
I was attemptig to make the Chocolate Chewies from How Sweet It Is' blog. I think I didn't use enough powdered sugar. Ad I also used the wrong implement to mix it. And the wrong kind of cocoa. So almost every batch was too dark or stuck on the pan. It was a disaster!!!! I added more and more powdered sugar, and ended up with a batch that wasn't at all like it should have been but was all right... more candyish than cookieish. It was still totally wrong, though.

As dumb as it might sound - I was embarrassed. Jeff, he doesn't care, but I knew I could do better. So I decided to try another new recipe, one that HAD to be no fail because....

It used brownie AND cookie mix!! you can't mess that up... right? THE first recipe I bookmarked in my new recipe folder in Firefox, Choc. chip cookie brownies from Bakerella, adapted from good ole Betty Crocker.

These are so easy to make! Preheat oven to 350. You make one package brownie mix as directed and pour  in a greased 13 x 9 pan.Then you make one package cookie mix as directed (choc. chip is traditional - I used a pumpkin spice mix I had leftover from the holidays). Drop the cookie mix my spoonfuls on the brownie batter. You might have to press them down - I used thinner, regular brownie mix so mine kinda sunk on their own.

Bake for 35 to 40 mins - until the edges brown a little. Let them cool completely! Bakerella put chocolate ganache on hers, so I had to also! Here is her recipe:
Chocolate Ganache
12 oz. semi-sweet chocolate morsels
3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
6 Tbsp butter
  • In a small saucepan, heat cream and butter until just before the boiling stage.
  • Pour over the chocolate morsels.
  • Let stand about 20 seconds and stir until smooth.
  • Pour over brownies and let set before cutting.


 I am very glad that I made a disaster turn into something yummy. Now we just need to invite some people over to help us eat all these brownies! lol


  1. Ooh, those look good! Glad it worked out, even if it took a couple of tries. :)

  2. This looks really really really yummy!!!

  3. Following you from MBC, pls follow me back when you get the chance.
