
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas is Over...

I hope that those of you who celebrate Christmas had a good one! Jeff and I did... very blessed with what we received (how can you be humble about the presents you got? lol I'm trying!)He bought me a Zune! The only MP3 player I have ever had was a 1st gen ipod shuffle that I never used, so this is very exciting!! He also bought me the Harry Potter Lego Wii game, which I have already played  and really like! Not sure what his fave present is, but I think that he really likes the router my dad gave us!

On second thought... it is probably the bag of crap from woot lol

In the evening, we went to Jeff's parents for the Christmas dinner with the extended family - a change of venue from the usual, but it is always good to get everyone together! We ended up staying later and watching Elf on their beautiful high def TV. On the way home, we drove around looking at Christmas lights.

Even the cats got a few presents, thanks to my friend Teresa!

So here it is Dec. 26th... and the Blizzard of aught ten has begun. Thankfully my boss called and said that I don't have to go into work tomorrow! Wa hoo!!

Right now I am looking into the coming year and changes I want to make.... before the biggest change of our life arrives!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had a great Christmas! Congrats on your Zune! My brother got my mother one of those for Christmas too. We also made stockings with gifts for our animals, I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who gifts the pets on Christmas lol. Enjoy your day off work!
