
Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Tree!

Christmas Tree!!

This is literally what I was doing all weekend long,... it took us FOREVER to get it home (thanks to the kids at the church who had no clue what they were doing) to getting it in the stand right... to fixing it again in the stand then  huge hassle with the lights... but it is FINALLY up and decorated. ... and I am so much more behind in all I need to do!

I did just get together my Christmas card list. Next is the cookie/candy list (currently in my head!) then a schedule for them. Of course, I am working a few full days this week and next, but i am not giving goodies as gifts this year, so I'll be making less than usual.

Thennnnn more present wrapping!! I need to get everything packed up and mailed out Wednesday. It will all get done... it will!!!

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