
Monday, February 21, 2011

Disneyland Day 1!

I'm going to try to update this a little everyday.. Already behind lol BUT that was because my computer kept shutting itself off on the airplane, so I needed to wait until I had time to run a scan. Looks to be ok now.

Flight was fine, not too much worse than the usual.We arrived a  little late due to high winds. Rented a dodge Charger and Jeff drove for his first time in L.A. traffic!!! He did great :D

Checked into the hotel then it was off to Disneyland!!!! It wasn't crowded at all... loved it. Of course, that was because of the rain, and yes, later on it POURED! But whatever... it is still Disneyland!!

This weekend is one of the family Fun weekends, and so in celebration of Mardi Gras, they pulled out the old Tiana Riverboat Jubilee and turned it into a shoe by the river. Was really cute... and these guys actually SING!!!

Later on, we followed these characters, accompanied by a band, through New Orleans, where they stopped for a meet and greet. I love little surprises like that!!

Today, an AWESOME day, will have to wait until tomorrow... I need to edit and resize my pics. They're too big so tomorrow I'll have to finish catching up!!!

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