
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Knit a cap for a child in an impoverished country...

I just read about this in Parents magazine and wanted to pass it along to those of you knit and crochet! The article explained it very well, but I can't find it online. Here is what the Caps For Good Web site says: The Caps for Good grassroots initiative will be running from September 2010 through February, 2011 encouraging citizens of all ages to participate by making a cap and advocating and fundraising to provide newborn care in developing countries.

At the end of the program, caps will be distributed to pregnant women and new moms and their babies in Save the Children's programs in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Academy Award nominee Vera Farmiga (pictured above with newborn baby daughter, Gytta) in helping babies like ­Juana Griselda Felix de Leon from Guatemala (also pictured and wearing a cap knit by Vera) stay warm and healthy. *picture and caption from Parents magazine*

You can go to their Web site for more information and patterns.But hurry... caps need to be sent by Feb. 28th!

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