
Friday, April 1, 2011

Cozy Mystery Challenge: Book 4!

For my 4th book, I decided to go out of the culinary genre and expand my horizons a bit. I'm not entirely sure what this book is classified as, but it was definitely different!

Moving is Murder - book 1 of the Mom Zone Mysteries by Sara Rosett

Summary from Publisher's Weekly: Packed with helpful moving tips, Rosett's cute cozy debut introduces perky Ellie Avery, who prides herself on knowing her way around crying babies, poopy diapers and air force bases. Ellie, pilot hubby Mitch and baby daughter Livvy have hardly settled into their Vernon, Wash., off-base digs when Ellie discovers the body of another 52nd Air Refueling Squadron wife, Cass Vincent, by Cass's SUV alongside the road after a get-acquainted barbecue. Cass is the apparent victim of a nasty allergic reaction to numerous wasp stings, but Ellie later finds evidence that the flirty environmentalist may have been murdered.

My Review:  This was a good book for a first time author. The plot was interesting and full of many details to throw you off the whodunit scent. I had the same issue as I usually do - too many characters thrown at the reader at once so it was kinda confusing. Learning about the Air Force was also interesting, and it brought back memories of when I used to visit my friend at her husband's Army base. The book was very heft for a cozy mystery, but that was a good thing to  me! As someone who is pregnant (at the time of writing this - I have it scheduled to post!), I enjoyed reading about Ellie's daughter. The moving tips were all right. i will definitely read the next book in this series.

For more information about the cozy mystery challenge, just click the image below!

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