
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pintrest for Dummies Review and Giveaway (Radical Review Wednesday)

I am a Pinrest n00b. I resisted for a long time, and only joined about a month ago so I could enter giveaways. I have not even linked to my Pintrest page on my blog yet! When I joined, you could still join via e-mail, and when you joined there was NO info. I tried to repin a pin for the giveaway, and couldn't - I asked a very kind friend who told me that I needed to create a board first. Oh! Pintrest never told me that, and they never obthered to respond to my help request.

I really could have used Pintrest for Dummies by Kelby Carr!This book is great! Chapter 1 is very basic - it showed me the steps that Pintrest should have taken with my account but didn't. The book covers pinning and repinning, creating boards, hashtags, using the @ symbol and socializing as jsut a few of the topics covered.

One reason why I didn't care much for Pintrest was that I didn't really know HOW to use it. Pintrest for Dummies not only shows you the basics, but it also has ideas on how to use Pintrest. From recipe and craft ideas to self-improvement and even to help out social causes, Pintrest

My favorite chapter is the self-promotion chapter. Kelby Carr is the founder and CEO of Type-A Parent, a social network and online magazine-style blog, so she knows what she is talking about! She writes about creating quality posts, optimizing images and buttons, widgets and plug-ins to help your blog make the most out of Pintrest. 

This book has helped me to understand Pintrest and  how to use it effectively for my blog. If you are a new Pintrest user or someone who wants to learn how to use it better, then this book is for you! One lucky blog reader will win a copy of Pintrest for Dummies. Open to U.S. and Canada! Enter using the Ralfflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review. no other compensation was received.

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