
Monday, May 6, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 5/6/13

Where did this week go? At 10:30 last night, I turned to J. and said "I didn't plan my menu tonight!" D'oh. Since it is hard to get anything done on the computer when E. is up, here is a hastily thrown together menu - hey it is better than nothing!!!

Monday:  really, I am stumped lol J. has night school, so I'll probably just pull out something from the freezer!

Tuesday: Stuffed Shells (by request!)

 Wednesday:  leftovers

Thursday: Chicken Giardino

Friday: homemade pizza (made quesedillas and churros yesterday instead of pizza)

Saturday: leftovers

Sunday:  Mother's Day! Dinner with J.'s family

Breakfast of the Week: The instant oatmeal packs are a HUGE success! I need to post the recipe this week. I think I will make Overnight Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Dessert of the week: Need to make something (still) to use my frosting, so maybe cupcakes for Mother's Day. What other dessert uses frosting other cakes?

Extra of the Week: Did not make the Soft Pretzel Buns last week, so today is the day!

Find more menus at Org Junkie :)

1 comment:

  1. We love Stuffed Shells. I should add them to our next menu plan.
