
Monday, October 21, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 10/21/13

 I am so glad that I chose to make last week a light week, since we all came down with bad colds! it has been so hard to function, and here it is, 2 p.m. when I am writing this, and I can't stop yawning!! This week and next Jeff is working late (his play is Nov 7 and 8!) and it is supposed to get cooler, so I am thinking more crock pot and stew recipes are on the way. Also as we get closer to Halloween the craziness of the season goes into full swing!

Monday: BBQ Chicken Stuffed Potatoes, using shredded chicken from the freezer

Tuesday: Slow Cooker Macaroni and Cheese

 Wednesday: leftovers

Thursday: Halloween Party (see Dessert of the Week!)

Friday:  Dinner out

Saturday and Sunday: Ranchy Crock Pot Chicken (and leftovers on Sunday)

Dessert of the Week: Bringing something to the Halloween party... either Fudge Candy Corn or Simple Slice and bake Candy Corn Cookies or maybe some candy corn cake balls. So hard to decide!!!

Find more recipes at!

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