
Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm Back!!!

We go in very late last night... spending the day TRYING to catch up lol So many e-mails, several TV shows to watch, and so much laundry. Not to mention all of the pictures that need to be uploaded and resized, etc. Didn't exactly keep up like I wanted to :\

I am very glad and grateful that I made it through the week - I was expecting the wore, but things weren't so bad. Mostly just a lot of soreness in my legs and feet, along with the usual sleeping and pain in sleeping issues. It didn't help that the pillows in both places we stayed at were horrible. I will admit that it feels really really nice to be back home and relaxing rather than walking all day long!! It also feel really good that I can now rest and relax until the baby comes (along with all of the stuff i need to get done here... a woman's work is never done!! ;) )

So stay tuned to my blog this week, I'll be posting pictures of my trip along with a couple of giveaways!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Disneyland Day 1!

I'm going to try to update this a little everyday.. Already behind lol BUT that was because my computer kept shutting itself off on the airplane, so I needed to wait until I had time to run a scan. Looks to be ok now.

Flight was fine, not too much worse than the usual.We arrived a  little late due to high winds. Rented a dodge Charger and Jeff drove for his first time in L.A. traffic!!! He did great :D

Checked into the hotel then it was off to Disneyland!!!! It wasn't crowded at all... loved it. Of course, that was because of the rain, and yes, later on it POURED! But whatever... it is still Disneyland!!

This weekend is one of the family Fun weekends, and so in celebration of Mardi Gras, they pulled out the old Tiana Riverboat Jubilee and turned it into a shoe by the river. Was really cute... and these guys actually SING!!!

Later on, we followed these characters, accompanied by a band, through New Orleans, where they stopped for a meet and greet. I love little surprises like that!!

Today, an AWESOME day, will have to wait until tomorrow... I need to edit and resize my pics. They're too big so tomorrow I'll have to finish catching up!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pregnancy update and question

Hi gang!
How was everyone's Valentine's Day? Mine was as low key as I wanted it. The movie we watched was Easy A. We both really liked it. Though it wasn't quite the Valentine's romantic comedy lol!!!

Friday, my work threw me a baby shower! It was a little unexpected... and then thy gave me my car seat!!! Shock. Total and utter shock! They gave me a bunch of other stuff too, onesies, bibs, a photo album, this great diaper pack...  It was really  nice!! And the number 1 thing that I was worried about not getting I have! Everything else seems so much easier to obtain (yes I am crazy...)

so pretty!!!

I will admit that my last day at work is Thursday and I a cannot wait  to get out of there!! Even though I have so much work to do at home,

I am 33 weeks now! I have had a lot of people asking me how I am feeling. And I honestly say I am feeling good! My only real issue is sleeping, between the peeing and the pain in my hips and legs when I turn over in the middle of the night. Otherwise, I don't really feel much pain. Which is nice because on Saturday we leave for DISNEYLAND!!! I cannot wait.

So my question is... I am thinking about getting some sort of pillow to use at night to help with the pain. Any suggestions?I have heard good things about the snoogie pillow.

I am not sure how it would work with the tossing and turning from side to side? I was thinking of something smaller, like a wedge. I'd like to get one and try it before we go. Though it doesn't look like this pillow is travel sized LOL!!!

Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!! <3
What is everyone up to today?

Jeff and I are going to keep it low key and fairly cheap. Tonight. we're going to order in a pizza from a local pizza place - buffalo chicken, since that is my current craving!! I'll rent a Redbox video using the code I got on Groupon. Then we're gonna cuddle on the couch with NO COMPUTERS!!

Cannot wait!!

Hope everyone has a great day full of love!  <3 <3

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Amazon $2 MP3 Code

I love when they give out codes!

Click here then enter VDAYMP3S to get a $2 MP3 credit!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's Superbowl Day!!!!

Happy Superbowl Sunday! I really am only excited because of food .... and commercials!! We are not that big into sports around here. But I AM rooting for the Steelers since I went to college for 2 years in a tiny town not far from Pittsburgh. No, you haven't heard of it lol!! (Also, since I used to live in Colorado, I ma supposed to dislike the Packers... though I don't really like the Broncos so that whole situation is a wash lol!)

One of my most favorite memories is one day when I was at the Pittsburgh airport. There was some sort of playoff game going on, and the Steelers won... and MASSES of people came pouring into the deserted terminal, cheering and hollering.... it was AWESOME!!!

So go black and gold!

It is just Jeff and I today,so I decided to go light on the food. Apps of cheese, crackers, dip and chips... plus Little Dipper Pizza fondue. I bought a Little dipper at the church garage sale for $2 last year, so we'll see if it works! If not I"ll make the dip in the oven.

Main dish will help satisfy my crazy craving for spicy wings... IDK why, since I'm not into really spicy food. But the buffalo chicken and potatoes casserole at sounds  really good!  (BTW that site always loads funny for me. Does it for you too?) Hopefully to be served at halftime... Black eyed peas. YUCK.

Dessert will be some Pillsbury refrigerated dough Cinnabon cookies that need to be made. Yum!

What is on your Superbowl menu today? Who are you rooting for?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today's Kid's Woot - 2/5/11 (Halo Sleepsack)

I had to share today's AMAZING kids woot deal! Yessss it is my obsession - a halo sleepsack LOL!!!Is is the butterfly print you see below, in size small (0 to 6 mo) or medium (6 to 12 mo). ONlY $5.99 plus $5 shipping. This retails for $20 to $25 dollars so that is like 75% off!!!!

Remember - it is only avaible today so buy one now! Kids.Woot: One Day, You'll Understand

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Knit a cap for a child in an impoverished country...

I just read about this in Parents magazine and wanted to pass it along to those of you knit and crochet! The article explained it very well, but I can't find it online. Here is what the Caps For Good Web site says: The Caps for Good grassroots initiative will be running from September 2010 through February, 2011 encouraging citizens of all ages to participate by making a cap and advocating and fundraising to provide newborn care in developing countries.

At the end of the program, caps will be distributed to pregnant women and new moms and their babies in Save the Children's programs in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Academy Award nominee Vera Farmiga (pictured above with newborn baby daughter, Gytta) in helping babies like ­Juana Griselda Felix de Leon from Guatemala (also pictured and wearing a cap knit by Vera) stay warm and healthy. *picture and caption from Parents magazine*

You can go to their Web site for more information and patterns.But hurry... caps need to be sent by Feb. 28th!