Welcome to a hastily put together Menu Plan!! Usually I do my planning on Sunday evenings, but last night we went to Cheesecake Factory to celebrate DH and his brother's birthday (they were born 1 day apart (and his parents were born 2 day apart!)). When we got home I was way too stuffed to think about food!!! So here is a quickly thought about meal plan!!
Monday: leftover chicken and cheese quesedilla pie
Tuesday: Cheesecake Factory again - just an app and 1/2 price cheesecake!
Wednesday: Creamy Chicken and Rice Bake
Thursday: leftovers
Friday: Easy Weekday Chicken Pot Pie
Saturday and Sunday: I will probably make baked ziti on Saturday and have the leftovers Sunday
Dessert of the Week: I have Greek Yogurt to use up, so I will be making Greek Yogurt Pound Cake and Creamy Greek Yogurt Nutella Dip as something fun for the kiddo!
More menus at OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday!
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