Hastily thrown together plan this week - I have been called up for Jury duty so plans may change at any moment! The only other time I received the notice about it, I was in college in another state, so it was an easy out. Now, if I get called in, I am hoping they will let me go because I have nobody to watch the kiddo for an extended period of time.I don't mind doing my duty, but things are so complicated when you throw a kid into the mix! So who knows if this meal plan will pan out or not.
Monday: Crock Pot Pizza Casserole (from last week)
Tuesday: leftovers
Wednesday: Crock Pot Chicken and Dumpling Soup (combo of this recipe and this recipe)
Thursday: leftovers
Friday: pizza delivery
Saturday and Sunday: whatever you can rustle up! We are decorating for Christmas this weekend :D
Dessert of the Week: need to make cookies for a cookie exchange! Not sure which ones yet
Find more meal plan at orgjunkie.com!
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