It is finally getting to be spring out here! Some days it is even t-shirt weather! We have been spending a lot of time outdoors, going on walks almost every day, and today we even played outside a bit (by playing outside I mean chasing the kiddo from the front yard to the backyard and back again lol). Jeff even mowed the lawn (with his new pretty lawnmower). So I broke out the "spring" MPM banner. So snazzy!!!
Monday: Jen Hauler's Pizza Casserole
Tuesday: Crock Pot Parmesan Garlic Chicken
Wednesday: J. has night school - leftovers
Thursday: The Best Pork Chops You will Ever Taste
Friday: leftovers
Saturday: leftovers
Sunday: homemade pizza! (just realized it is Cinco De Mayo! Maybe I will make something Mexican)
Breakfast of the Week: 2 Weeks in a row! I have been wanting to make my own oatmeal (E. L-O-V-E-S it), and I actually looked at the oats in the store last week and wasn't sure what kind to buy. Well, this week I ran across so many recipes for baked oatmeal and instant oatmeal, so I am just going to buy both types and go with it! LOL Some recipes I might try: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal, DIY Instant Oatmeal Packs, or /and Overnight Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
Dessert of the week: Never made any of last week's desserts, but I did make cat shaped cookies for the grilled cheese party :) I need to use up some frosting, so I will probably just make some cupcakes!
Extra of the Week: These Soft Pretzel Buns have been calling my name since I saw them last week. Must make this week!!
Find more menus at Org Junkie :)