Welcome to July!! It is always a lean month for us, spreading out J.'s last yearly check through the summer and waiting for the first summer school check to arrive! A good excuse to be creative and use up what we already have.This week's dishes will make leftovers to freeze - which is good because I need to refill!
Monday: Jeff requested spaghetti, so I am going to make Pizza di Spaghetti
Tuesday: leftovers
Wednesday: Whee, Happy 4th of July!!! Our indoor BBQ menu: Griddled barbecue chicken breast, hot dogs, corn on the cob, pasta salad (via MIL) and fruit salad (via MIL). Dessert - Jeff is making whoopie pies (mix from Harry and David), and I am making red, white and blue cupcakes (with star shaped marshmallows instead of candies)
Thursday: BBQ leftovers!!!
Friday: Crockpot Applesauce Chicken (from a previous week, didn't make it)
For more menus, visit orgjunkie.com
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