Enter listplanit.com. ListPlanIt offers an uncluttered, organized place for families to chart their needs, goals, and accomplishments.ListPlanIt has more than 500 lists and planning pages! Anything you can think of to list... and so many things you wouldn't ever dream of all within 15 categories.
The first list I went to was the grocery shopping list by category. We were just writing down on a big list what we needed from the grocery store - and obviously that made things really confusing at the grocery store.This list is broken down by category so its easy to see what is needed when I am at each section of the grocery store. I also printed out a list of equivalent measurements. The meal planning section has all kinds of meal planning, grocery shopping, recipe and inventory lists.
But there are still 14 categories of lists!! There are family and financial planing lists, holiday lists, even travel planning lists. I am eager to use some of the decluttering and inventory lists soon.
I have also been using the daily to do list. I can type in the information and just print it off. It has several sections and even a "to do" tomorrow section. I'm hoping that it will motivate me to clean and blog more often and consistently!!
You can also buy ePlanners to help organize events such as birthday parties, meal planning and travel.
If you would like to win one Print Membership and 1 ePlanner of your choice? Come back during Blogmania Sept 15 and 16, and you can win as part of my From Our Kitchen to Yours Giveaway!!!

This sounds great! I'm gonna have to check it out. I am forever making lists....it's the only way I can remember things. LOL